Favorite Things


This is going to seem like free advertising because...well....I guess it is. I can't help but post this cause it just happens to be one of my absolutely most favorite beverages to down. Aside from Dunkin Donuts Iced Caramel Latte with extra caramel. Since I'm referencing Bolthouse cause it makes me feel healthy as if I just ran a 10k every time I pick one up, I will refrain from talking about  Lattes... for now, Why? cause I wanna feel like I just came from a adrenaline filled workout not a soothing trip to the spa at this moment, but trust me, I frequent the spa quite often. wink...wink.....although, I don't want to talk about lattes right now you can trust that I will pick it up later, and by pick up, I mean discuss, really......, just kidding....no really. 
This beverage, the C-Boost in particular makes my palette dance, I smile for no reason, just the scent of the drink takes me back to Dominica every time I put it to my lips, children stop and stare at me, drooling, grabbing,  pulling on me begging for some....oh those are my kids. They love it too

 I don't know why it taste as delish as it does, maybe it's because I can read and pronounce the items listed in the ingredients or maybe it has something to do with mango as the main ingredient or maybe it's a result of my island background and I'm guessing EVERY island person likes things that have fresh, FRESH mango in the ingredients? I'm guessing.....All I know is, Bolthouse C-Boost is it for me.  You may already drink their products and enjoy it, if you haven't? then, I've shared my favorite with you. I don't know the relationship or lack of relationship between Bolthouse and Naked but their products are always side by side. If you don't like one brand try the other. Stay healthy, try new things, and let me know what you think of any of these beverages.

As you can see by the pic below my girlie is demonstrating some Zumba moves to a group of ladies in the community. Many of you know from a previous post of my love for the movies, "Lord of the Rings". The time has come to let you in on some more of my favorite things.
Patty teaches at the Ben Lomond Center, Manassas

 I am totally and completely in love, Love!, LOve!, LOVe!, LOVE!!!with everything Zumba. If you like to dance, free style, kick box, be cute and or just pose in your work out gear simply because you bought it and it looks cute on you? Then, yep, Zumba is where you need to be.  Although, it has been a while since I've attended a class, my favorite and only Zumba instructor is Patty and she brings it with a force!

I gotta tell you, I was dancing the other day and my daughter asked rather inquisitively, "mommy why does your butt have to talk like that when you dance?", I responded with, "it has a language all its own when I'm in motion."
So the those of you who arrived late and voluntarily positioned yourself behind me during class, I apologize to you if you felt like I was using my rear end to say something offensive. I'm guessing it must've been saying something like you can't bring it like ME! If you felt like you should've taken another class..., say beginners?, you're probably right cause my backside was probably begging you to get out of the way as I shook my colita, my favorite move by the way. If you felt intimidated? I apologize for that as well, cause I have no idea what goes on back there.

All I  wanted to say is that, I love Zumba, that's all. When you get a chance, check your local gym or recreation center to see if it's offered and all I ask is that you try it one time. Just one time. Or if you are in the area, I highly recommend Patty at the Ben Lomond Center. You will NOT be sorry!

Let me know what you think.

Now get going! go shake that colita!!


When we sit down to take in a movie you can best believe we will start with one of my favorites, well maybe after Nemo, the Incredibles and some spongebob. Who is in charge here? When my turn comes you don’t even have to guess, the kids naturally hand over with great LACK of excitement as they shrug their shoulders and mutter under their breath, here you gooooooo…..handing me not one but ALL THREE, LORD OF THE RINGS movie. They usually come around halfway through part one. hahahahahhahah. This movie is so awesome I had to read the books, so I went to the library and rented, Lord of the Rings-audio. You got it, I read listened to all three books in about three days. yep. I’m fast, cause das how I roll main. yes I meant to say “main” so you could get an idea exactly how I SAID IT!!!!!!!

Just so you know, I will take every opportunity I get to reference this movie. So if you’ve never seen it before, run don’t walk to your nearest, colored box  and rent not one but all three, to prepare you for the references. yes? yes! Let’s take a seat on the couch in the family room on this rainy Saturday, or it could be a sun shiny day where you are, it doesn’t matter,  any day and time is a good time to take in the ever hesitant leader, King, Stryder, handsomeman Aragon. Our mission is to urge him on quietly from the couch ofcourse, to step into his role as King?
Check it out

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